This Term all classes composed a song using rhythmic notation. They were then asked to clap or perform their piece on a percussion instrument.
In Room 21 have some excellent musicians who extended themselves and play a melody on their chosen instruments. Well done.
Year One and Two
In Year One and Two we have been learning to improvise and make up a melody on the spot. Students have been using the xylophones.and playing melody for 8 beats between singing the verses of the song 'Fiddle Diddle Dee'.
The year ones and twos have also been playing with the Boom Whackers which have been lots of fun!
Year Three and Four
In year three and four we have been learning to layer parts in our song 'Caravan'. We play a bass line and a ostinato whilst singing the melody of the song. It is starting to sound amazing.
Year Five and Six
We have been learning out song 'Waterbird' and layering 3 part harmonies together. Well done Year 5 and 6!