Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Wrapping up Term One

Year Ones and Twos
We have been listening and responding to music. We listened to Vivalidi's Four Seasons and guessed the season he wrote the music about. These are some amazing drawings done in class illustrating their ideas.

The Year One and Two classes having been working on beats and rhythms. We walked through the beat dots to work out how to write music. Well done on your compositions they were superb.

Music Theory
Year 3-6's having been working on writing music in bars. Students worked in pairs to write 8 bars of music and perform these to the class. I have seen a great improvement this term.Well done! 

Music Star Performers
Year 5/6 working on their Djembe performance. Well done!

Year 3/4 working on playing 'I've got an action' on xylophone. Well done!

Year 1/2 working on playing 'Flying Man' on xylophone. Well done!

Anzac Performance
The Senior Choir will be performing for the Anzac service on Friday 8th of April. Please make sure students have the correct uniform to wear on the day. (Go to Senior Choir Page)
What a fantastic Term One. Have a brilliant holiday and I will see you next term. 

Mrs Miell

Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Harmony Day

Harmony Day Preparations

All classes have been learning the song 'I am Children of the World' for Harmony Day. 
What an amazing job Room 22 did in their first lesson. Well done. This video makes me gleam with joy :)

Room 26 also did a super job!

Happy Singing

Mrs Miell