Thursday, 18 February 2016

A great start to music

Wattle Grove Music Room

What a great start we've had to the year in music. Both the Junior and Senior Choirs have been busy rehearsing and already sounding fantastic. In class students have been busy learning and exploring music ideas.

Year 1's

Students are learning the differences between silence/rhythm/beat using percussion instruments. Students are learning how to create sounds using dynamics in music(quiet/loud) using percussion instruments. Here the students in Room 9 are learning to conduct Piano/Forte (quiet/loud)

Year 2's

Year twos have been learning how to play the song 'Flying Man' on the xylophone. They are beginning to play in time with one another and use their beautiful singing voices. Well done year 2's.

Year 3/4's

Students are learning how to create a 8 beat rhythm composition using music notation this term. We are focusing on learning a piece called 'I've got an action'. We are learning to keep in time with the beat, play in time with other instruments and using expression while playing. 

Year 5/6's

Students are learning how to play the Djembe this term. We are playing in three parts and trying keep in time with each other. It's quiet tricky but practise makes permanent, I'm excited by their progress so far. 

Wattle Grove Primary students are very capable in Music and are a pleasure to teach. It will be exciting to see their progress this year. I hope I can inspire some future musicians.

Here's an interesting quote:

Albert Einstein
“If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician. I often think in music. I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music.”
― Albert Einstein

Mrs Miell

Monday, 15 February 2016

Welcome to the Wattle Grove Music News Blog

This blog is to keep you informed of all the great things that are happening in Music this year.

Senior Choir meets Monday afternoons from 2.10pm-3.00pm and we are excited about being the Mass Choir Festival this year. Firstly we are preparing for Anzac day.

Junior Choir meets Friday mornings 8.15am-8.45am and they will be singing at the Children's Sing Festival in Term 2.

Mrs Miell